terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

Why the brazilians don't write?


I read in an interview few days ago that brazilian people do not participate in forums on internet, they just acess the websites and read the info, but do not write about with they personal opnion.
Unfortunately, I had to agree with that, I never found a brazilian in forums or in foreign blogs. Even though follow many brazilians blogs I know few ones that write in english. Its a little strange because if you see in blogger profile and search for any blog by a theme and you will find many blogs about any themes in english.

Some people says that in Brazil have few options to speak and write english and this make the teach and learn process a bit difficult. But I guess that the worst things is that brazilians do not want to make this different and make opportunities like this blog to have an extra contact with english.

Perhaps they have a kind of afraid about write in a foreign language and make some mistakes, but as you can see, I already did some and still writing here and still have people visting me. The same occurs in my first words (link) there you see portugueses mistakes but I keep writing in improving my skills in both langueges.

Therefore, I invite you to comment or do better, write something in english and send me by email and I'll publish here.

Let's do it folks!

4 comentários:

  1. I'm glad that you practice your English in this blog and in forums! You're getting quite good, I think.

  2. Hi Igor...today I saw your blog.
    I am very happy for you.

  3. Please keep writing in English, and don't worry about mistakes; what you are saying is understandable even if a word is a little askew.

    To many native speakers of English, when someone who grew up speaking Portuguese has learned English the result is a little bit poetic, which is pleasant to read.
