quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Strange power

Most of employers that I have know is kind of strange, not because they looks like an Alien but something with their actions. Some people cannot see this and have afraid of the boss. I bet all of them have a strange power. You can see in a conversation between you and him, you always have in mind what they are thinking (He going to fire me ? He saw my awesome work yesterday ?) or anything else. They also act perfectly same as each other. Every boss start a fire conversation in a closed room and probably all of your co-workers know that you going to fired.

I cannot say if it is same in all places. I really don’t know anything about hospital, for example. Maybe their employers are different than other I know.

Employers have an especial power of transformer every situation in an embarrassing situation. For example, you are eating a cranberry cake in your room and suddenly you see he appear walking in front of you. What happened? You try hide your cake and for nature power, the cake fall down and your table and shirt get dirty. Your co-worker ask what happened and you say something related to dusty, what seems totally different than what really happened and nobody believe in you. My point is: Your boss just transformers you into a liar with a simple walk and a cranberry cake.

I think this things is part of life and will be like this forever. I hope be wrong and one day this strange power over. But at least one thing nowadays cannot get worst: Do not exist people who are addicted in act as a boss.


In my first blog, I used to play a word game with friends. I ask somebody to say to me ten words and then I have to write a text with all these words. This one is the first wrote in English. My friend who gave me the words was Leonardo Barreto. (miss our games session bro). You can see below what words is.

Challenge words: Strange, forever, between, addicted, employer, hospital, afraid, dust, cranberry, power

terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011

The Bright Sword

My father used to tell us
The tale of the Bright Sword
While listening to him
I'd looked at the campfire
And in the flames I'd see
The heat of mighty battles

"The Seven Kings of Lassadar
Led Major Battles against
The Shadow Army
and I was present in the third Great Victory"

He then would stop and say
"I can see light in your eyes, my son"

segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011

Shadows in my dream

I was sleeping the first time
That I saw the Shadows.
The night was quiet
But the beat of my heart was loud

The shadows were coming for me
Swallowing my face
I woke up with my mother's arms
Holding me strong as she could
She said: "It's just a dream, my little boy"

But unfortunately,
Some years after that night
The Shadows would appear not only in my dreams

Post Scriptum

This poetry was made after I play the solo game called Shadows upon Lassadar designed by Todd Sanders. You can know more about game here.

terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

Why the brazilians don't write?


I read in an interview few days ago that brazilian people do not participate in forums on internet, they just acess the websites and read the info, but do not write about with they personal opnion.
Unfortunately, I had to agree with that, I never found a brazilian in forums or in foreign blogs. Even though follow many brazilians blogs I know few ones that write in english. Its a little strange because if you see in blogger profile and search for any blog by a theme and you will find many blogs about any themes in english.

Some people says that in Brazil have few options to speak and write english and this make the teach and learn process a bit difficult. But I guess that the worst things is that brazilians do not want to make this different and make opportunities like this blog to have an extra contact with english.

Perhaps they have a kind of afraid about write in a foreign language and make some mistakes, but as you can see, I already did some and still writing here and still have people visting me. The same occurs in my first words (link) there you see portugueses mistakes but I keep writing in improving my skills in both langueges.

Therefore, I invite you to comment or do better, write something in english and send me by email and I'll publish here.

Let's do it folks!

sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011

Postcard Exchange

Hello folks.

One of my hobbys is games. I like so much play by myself or with a great group of friends and I think that games have more than fun and entertainment, they give to us best moments with friends. So, about games I usually play board games. here in Brazil we have a famous board game called War that I always play with my game group, but we also like to play foreign games like Citadels, Cthulinária (a re-design of Cthul-B-Que) and other games.

I'm a user of two board game forum. The first is Ilha do Tabuleiro a brazilian forum and the second is BoardGameGeek. In this second one I joined in a postcard exchange to share postcards around the world. I received two and had to sent two to other users from the BGG forum. This ideia its awesome, I love other cultures, know about other countrys and put my hands in a thing that travel across the world its fantastic.

So I share with you a picture of post card from Jonh Michael and Krist both from USA. Hugs and peaces for you two.
Ah, before I forget, this picture below is the postcards that I designed for my friends. It is hidden, I know, but they deserve a surprise.

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

The new old Hero

Sherlock Holmes is a movie released in two thousand nine that was directed by Guy Ritchie, and Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (Dr. John H. Watson) in main cast.

This movie arrives in Brazil like a new looks for this hero of 19’s century, a hero who fights against enemies and keep with the fantastic intelligent of unraveling mysteries. I think this new look arrives in Brazil because in United Kingdom this hero keep working like a master detective in sitcoms.

The movie director was brilliant working in this movie when he gave to Sherlock Holmes more energy in the rhythm of the scenes, how you can see in the dwarf’s house and then the fights against the French giant. At the same time, the Holmes’s sidekick, the Dr. Watson also follows the same energy fighting and thinking with Holmes.

In some scenes of the movie you can see good choices of the director in few aspects. When he shows the big bridge that was been built, the cast outfit or the way to move around just prove that the history was in 19’s century. Other good choice of director is the scene that Holmes use disguise to follow Irene Adler, what keep and strengthen the knowledge of the master detective.

Therefore, the young people had to know this old hero in genre fiction, and Ritchie gave us an amazing and new Sherlock Holmes who has a fantastic sidekick ready to use they intellect so overdeveloped to discovery any mystery.

sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011

My private mistakes

If you are here its because I invite you. Yeah, this is a private blog to show my private mistakes. Everybody make mistakes but most of people fell scared about it. Some mistakes its so big that we hide. Here I'll talk about mistakes and right things, because I believe that we need to know all mistakes we did and what right things we also did. I need say that I am Brazilian guy who studing at university letters with habilitation in English and am love try write in english. I always make some mistakes when I wrote in english, but who says its a sin make grammar mistakes ? So I create this blog to write in English, make many mistakes and I hope that you help me find how write better or just say nothing and keep living your life.
