Most of employers that I have know is kind of strange, not because they looks like an Alien but something with their actions. Some people cannot see this and have afraid of the boss. I bet all of them have a strange power. You can see in a conversation between you and him, you always have in mind what they are thinking (He going to fire me ? He saw my awesome work yesterday ?) or anything else. They also act perfectly same as each other. Every boss start a fire conversation in a closed room and probably all of your co-workers know that you going to fired.
I cannot say if it is same in all places. I really don’t know anything about hospital, for example. Maybe their employers are different than other I know.
Employers have an especial power of transformer every situation in an embarrassing situation. For example, you are eating a cranberry cake in your room and suddenly you see he appear walking in front of you. What happened? You try hide your cake and for nature power, the cake fall down and your table and shirt get dirty. Your co-worker ask what happened and you say something related to dusty, what seems totally different than what really happened and nobody believe in you. My point is: Your boss just transformers you into a liar with a simple walk and a cranberry cake.
I think this things is part of life and will be like this forever. I hope be wrong and one day this strange power over. But at least one thing nowadays cannot get worst: Do not exist people who are addicted in act as a boss.
In my first blog, I used to play a word game with friends. I ask somebody to say to me ten words and then I have to write a text with all these words. This one is the first wrote in English. My friend who gave me the words was Leonardo Barreto. (miss our games session bro). You can see below what words is.