Sherlock Holmes is a movie released in two thousand nine that was directed by Guy Ritchie, and Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (Dr. John H. Watson) in main cast.
This movie arrives in Brazil like a new looks for this hero of 19’s century, a hero who fights against enemies and keep with the fantastic intelligent of unraveling mysteries. I think this new look arrives in Brazil because in United Kingdom this hero keep working like a master detective in sitcoms.
The movie director was brilliant working in this movie when he gave to Sherlock Holmes more energy in the rhythm of the scenes, how you can see in the dwarf’s house and then the fights against the French giant. At the same time, the Holmes’s sidekick, the Dr. Watson also follows the same energy fighting and thinking with Holmes.
In some scenes of the movie you can see good choices of the director in few aspects. When he shows the big bridge that was been built, the cast outfit or the way to move around just prove that the history was in 19’s century. Other good choice of director is the scene that Holmes use disguise to follow Irene Adler, what keep and strengthen the knowledge of the master detective.
Therefore, the young people had to know this old hero in genre fiction, and Ritchie gave us an amazing and new Sherlock Holmes who has a fantastic sidekick ready to use they intellect so overdeveloped to discovery any mystery.